How to take care of your hair

Has this ever happened to you????

Maybe this has never exactly happened to you before but I know that there are a lot of girls who have their hair really dry and burnt. If that is you, keep reading. If you're hair is not dry or burnt yet but you straighten it every day you should keep reading too. Sometimes you might straighten your hair everyday or you might curl it. Both ways can damage your hair because both styles use a lot of heat so you should just keep reading because I will help you know how to take care of your hair.  

I read a wiki to help you with advice. If you want to know more details than what I post you can read this article to see where I got my information. It can help you take care of your hair!   

The first thing you need to know is to buy a right shampoo and conditioner for your hair. It gives your hair softness and will help your hair not break. Like this:

The second thing is you should not brush your hair too much because you can rip your hair off. Like this:

Last of all, make sure you let your hair dry after you get out of the shower and don't just put it in a bun. Just let the air dry it not the hair dryer.  A hair dryer can make your hair poofy and frizzy. 

Sometimes you can trim your hair so it can help you but don’t stright it too much. Sometimes you can do your hair really nice but please don’t damage your hair too much like the girl in the video. ha!